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Microsoft Windows 10 5in1 FULL (x64) [64-bit] Nov 2015-TFPDL

Microsoft Windows 10 5in1 FULL (x64) [64-bit] Nov 2015-TFPDL
Windows 10 is so familiar and easy to use, you’ll feel like an expert. The Start Menu is back in an expanded form, plus we’ll bring over your pinned apps and favorites so they’re ready and waiting for you.

Join your Domain. You can connect to your business or school Domain or Azure Active Directory to use network files, servers, printers, and more.
Enhanced encryption. Get additional security with BitLocker to help protect your data with encryption and security management.
Remote log-in. Windows 10 enables you to log in with Remote Desktop to sign in and use your Pro PC while at home or on the road.
Virtual machines. Create and run virtual machines with Hyper-V so you can run more than one operating system at the same time on the same PC.
Your apps in the Store. Windows 10 lets you create your own private app section in the Windows Store for convenient access to company applications.

File Size : 4.14 GB
File Type: .rar

:How To Use:
1) Burn ISO to DVD or use USB
2) Install windows 10
3) Use one of serials provided

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