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Adobe Photoshop CC.2015 (v16.0.1.2) FULL x86 & x64 Portable-TFPDL

Adobe Photoshop CC.2015 (v16.0.1.2) FULL x86 & x64 Portable-TFPDL
Features Of Adobe Photoshop CC 2015
Improved performance and better responsiveness thanks to Adobe Mercury Engine
3D Printing features: view and edit designs from other 3D programs such as Cinema 4D or Autodesk Maya and print your models
Adobe Creative Cloud subscription validation: get instant access to the latest updates and fixes, work seamlessly, collaborate with the community and synchronize files across multiple computers effortlessly.

System Requirements Adobe Photoshop CC 2015
Operating system: Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Mac OS X 10.7 or later
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2GHz or AMD equivalent
RAM memory: 1GB or higher
Video Card: 1024×768 resolution device display, 1280?800 recommended, compatible with OpenGL 2.0, 512MB VRAM and 16-bit color
Hard disk: 2.5 GB of free space

File Size : 484 MB
File Type: .rar

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