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Download The Legend of Korra S03E01-02 HDTV x264 – TFPDL

The Legend of Korra S03E01-02 HDTV x264 – TFPDL
Download The Legend of Korra S03E01-02 HDTV x264 - TFPDL
Episode Name: A Breath of Fresh Air
After the events of Harmonic Convergence, Avatar Korra discovers that her decision to leave the spirit portals open has unexpected consequences. Wild spirit vines have overgrown Republic City and Airbenders are suddenly popping up across the four nations.

Episode Name: Rebirth of a Nation
Korra, Tenzin and Team Avatar search for new Airbenders in an effort to recruit them and rebuild the Air Nation. Meanwhile, a band of sinister criminals are organizing to hunt down the Avatar themselves.
Duration: 24Min
Genres: Animation | Action | Adventure
Ratings: 8.7/10
File Size: 240MB
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