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MicroSoft Office PRO Plus 2016 May 2021 Update + Activator-TFPDL

MicroSoft Office PRO Plus 2016 May 2021 Update + Activator-TFPDL
Microsoft Office 2016 is the complete, cross-platform, cross-device solution for the modern workplace, with smart tools for individuals, teams, and businesses. It can open your applications, documents anywhere, across multiple devices. Get the installed applications you know and trust – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher, Access. Always have the latest, full installed versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher, and Access and capture your ideas however you work best – using a keyboard, pen, or touchscreen. Microsoft Office 2016 will offer new security, compliance, and deployment features, giving organizations more control over sensitive data and IT more flexibility in deployment and management.

• One-click forecasting. Create forecasts on your data series with one click to future trends.
• Intuitive data connecting and shaping capabilities. With integrated Power Query, use Excel as your personal analysis workspace by connecting to and viewing all the data around you. Take advantage of a broad range of data sources, including tables from websites, corporate data like SAP Business Objects, unstructured sources like Hadoop, and services like Salesforce. After bringing all your data together in one place, quickly shape and combine to fit your unique business needs and get to analysis in seconds
• Easy data modeling and powerful analysis. With improved Power Pivot features as part of Excel, map different data sets with drag-and-drop ease to build data models to give you the bigger picture of your business. Take advantage of intuitive analysis functions, automatic time grouping and other features that enhance your PivotTable and PivotChart analysis experience. Now with the ability to calculate 100s of millions of rows of data, perform deeper analysis with high speed.
• Publish to Microsoft Power BI Preview. Effortlessly publish and share your Excel workbooks to users of Power BI.
• New modern charts and graphs, including TreeMap, Sunburst, Waterfall, Box and Whisker and Histogram and Pareto in Excel help you to present your data in fresh ways.

| How to use |
1) Stop the application if started
2) Install application using provided installer and do not reboot
3) Run patch file

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